Answer Close-Reading Questions
Have students write their responses, or use the Close-Reading Questions to guide a discussion.
• Why and how did the United States support South Vietnam during the war? (Key Detail)
During the war, the U.S. supported South Vietnam to prevent Communist rule from spreading from North Vietnam to other parts of Southeast Asia. The U.S. sent military advisers, supplies, and combat troops.
• Based on veteran Thomas Bolitho’s firsthand account, what can you infer is one expectation of U.S. armed forces members? Explain. (Draw An Inference)
Possible answer: Based on Bolitho’s firsthand account, I can infer that members of the U.S. armed forces are expected to be ready for anything. I can tell this is true because his battalion was not informed that they were going to war until they were on a boat headed for battle.
• According to Bolitho, how did his battalion compare with enemy forces in terms of tactics and experience? (Synthesize Information)
Bolitho said the enemy forces were more experienced in war than his battalion because they had been fighting the French Army for nearly 10 years. The Marines in Bolitho’s battalion were skilled and well-trained, but most of them had never taken part in a battle. The enemy forces were also more familiar with the local terrain, which gave them an advantage during battle.
• What are two questions you would like to ask Bolitho? Why? (Ask Questions)
Responses will vary.