Lesson Plan - The Screen Grab

About the Article

Learning Objective

Students will learn about strategies for managing screen time and create a public service announcement to educate others.

Curriculum Connections

• Technology

• Mental Health

• Psychology

• Advertising

Key Skills

Social Studies:

• Study relationships among science, technology, and society

• Expand knowledge of economic concepts

• Examine various forms of human behavior

English Language Arts:

• Cite textual evidence to support analysis

• Identify causes and effects

• Write for a task, purpose, and audience

Key CCSS Standards

RH.6-8.1, RH.6-8.2, RH.6-8.4, RH.6-8.7, WHST.6-8.4, RI.6-8.1, RI.6-8.2, RI.6-8.4, RI.6-8.7,  W.6-8.4, SL.6-8.1

1. Preparing to Read

Build Knowledge and Vocabulary

Before reading the article, have students take the five-question Prereading Quiz at junior.scholastic.com. The interactive quiz is self-scoring and will give an explanation after students answer each question. Then use the Skill Builder Words to Know to preteach domain-specific terms from the article.

2. Reading and Discussing

Read the Article

Read the article aloud or have students read it independently or in pairs. As students read, direct them to consider which of the five tricks that tech companies use seem most effective.

Answer Close-Reading Questions

Have students write their responses, or use the Close-Reading Questions to guide a discussion.

• Why has recreational screen time increased in recent years? (Cause and Effect)
One cause of increased screen time is the Covid-19 pandemic, as people used screens to stay connected and entertained while social distancing. Another cause is that apps are designed to encourage people to use them and see ads.

• What are some of the tricks tech companies use to try to keep people using their apps? (Key Details)
Tech companies use endless scroll so users never run out of content. They employ algorithms to show people more of the content they are most likely to watch. They use notifications to drive people to their apps. They play on people’s fears of missing out. And they engage auto-play to make it hard to avoid ads.

• How does the sidebar “The Dangers of Not Looking Up” support the article? (Text Features)
The sidebar details some of the risks of too much screen time. It notes that a study found that teens who spend at least seven hours on screens per day are more than twice as likely to be diagnosed with depression and anxiety than teens who spend only one hour per day.

3. Skill Building

Watch a Video

After students watch “The Pressure to Stay Connected,” discuss these questions: Which statements stand out most to you? Do you feel similarly or differently? Why?

Cite Text Evidence

Have students complete the Skill Spotlight activity at the end of the article. Discuss which evidence is strongest.

Create a Public Service Announcement

Use the Skill Builder Create a PSA to guide students to create a message that educates others about online apps and screen time.

Assess Comprehension

Use Quiz Wizard to assess comprehension of this article and three others from the issue.

Printable Lesson Plan

Interactive Slide Deck
