• What does Chris Williams mean when he says his great-grandmother Lucille B. Smith “was never defined by other people’s expectations of her”? (Making Meaning)
Williams probably means that Smith didn’t let other people’s expectations of women and Black Americans in the 1900s limit what she could achieve. After Smith experienced success with her instant hot-roll mix for a church fundraiser, she went on to become one of Texas’s first black businesswomen. Despite growing up in a time of segregation, Malone had her food served at the White House and she worked as a magazine editor. Smith also defied expectations by funding a college program for food preparation.
• How did the War of 1812 affect Frank McWorter’s business? (Cause and Effect)
The War of 1812 helped McWorter’s business because he manufactured and sold saltpeter, a main ingredient of gunpowder. The war increased demand for gunpowder, so he was able to sell more saltpeter. Two years after the war ended, McWorter had earned enough profits to buy his wife’s freedom from her enslaver. Eventually, he would buy his own freedom and that of 14 additional family members. The profits also enabled McWorter to buy 160 acres of land from the federal government and become the first Black American to establish a town, New Philadelphia, in Illinois.
• How do the illustrations support the article? What do you notice about their backgrounds? (Visual Literacy)
The illustrations support the article by showing what each of the four entrepreneurs looked like. Each background features products that the business leaders were known for— hair and beauty products and a college for Malone, life insurance documents for Merrick, hot rolls and mixes for Smith, and a map of a community for McWorter. The illustrations also support the article by prominently featuring the color purple with accents of green, which helps the four stories feel connected. Finally, each of the entrepreneurs has an expression that shows determination to persevere against obstacles.
• Choose a quote from the article. What question do you think the interviewer might have asked to get that response? What are two other questions you would ask the person? (Making Inferences)
Responses will vary.