Answer Close-Reading Questions
Have students write their responses, or use the Close-Reading Questions to guide a discussion.
• How have human activities affected giraffes? (Cause and Effect)
One way humans affect giraffes is by illegally poaching them, which is why conservationists had moved some giraffes to the peninsula in Lake Baringo. Since the 1980s, the giraffe population has fallen by almost 40 percent. Giraffes have lost much of their habitat as humans use areas for farming and logging. Wars have also driven some giraffes from their habitats.
• What do you think David O’Connor means when he says giraffes are “undergoing a silent extinction”? (Domain-Specific Vocabulary)
He means that giraffes are at risk of dying out, as only about 3,000 Rothschild’s giraffes are left in the wild. O’Connor might call the extinction they face “silent” because he thinks that not enough people are paying attention to the problem.
• How does the “Shrinking Habitats” map support the article? (Text Features)
The map shows how much the range of giraffes has shrunk since the 1700s. It also shows the location of Lake Baringo in Kenya, where the giraffes were trapped on an island.