People have always had a lot to say about current events. These days, they regularly share their views by posting on social media, creating podcasts, and writing blogs. But for political cartoonists, commenting on the news isn’t just a way to express themselves—it’s their job. They’re paid to share their views on hot-button issues by drawing what are known as political cartoons.
These images—which often appear in newspapers, magazines, and online—comment on everything from public figures to the environment. They can be funny, heartfelt, or bitingly critical. Regardless, their purpose is to get you to think—and maybe even sway your opinion on a particular topic.
Being able to read—and truly understand—what political cartoons are saying can help make you a more informed citizen. Here are some key points to keep in mind when you view them.
First, consider what people or objects are shown. Ask yourself: What symbols are included, and what do they represent? What point might the cartoonist be making? Then think about whether you agree or disagree, and why.
With these tips in mind, see how well you can decode the cartoons below.