Lesson Plan - Meet the Teen Vaccine Volunteers

About the Article

Learning Objective

Students will integrate information about Covid-19 vaccine trials from an article, a video, and text features and write an informative essay about the topic.

Curriculum Connections

• Pandemics

• Science, Technology, and Society

• Food and Drug Administration

• Research and Inquiry

• Social and Emotional Learning

Key Skills

Social Studies:

• Study how science and technology influence life

• Consider factors that can influence the production, distribution, and consumption of goods

English Language Arts:

• Learn and use domain-specific vocabulary

• Identify central ideas and key details

Key CCSS Standards

RH.6-8.1, RH.6-8.2, RH.6-8.4, RH.6-8.7, WHST.6-8.2, WHST.6-8.5, RI.6-8.1, RI.6-8.2, RI.6-8.4, RI.6-8.7, W.6-8.2, W.6-8.5, SL.6-8.1

1. Preparing to Read

Build Knowledge and Vocabulary

As students watch the video “Ask an Expert: Vaccines,” have them record two facts they learn and one question they have about vaccines. Discuss responses. Then use the Skill Builder Words to Know to preteach domain-specific terms in the article.

2. Reading and Discussing

Read the Article

Read the article aloud or have students read it independently. As students read, direct them to underline or highlight any information that relates to the question they have about vaccines. Guide them to research any unanswered questions.

Answer Close-Reading Questions

Have students write their responses or use the Close-Reading Questions to guide a discussion.

• What is herd immunity? How could it help end the Covid-19 pandemic? (Domain-Specific Vocabulary)
Herd immunity is when enough people are immune to a disease that it has a hard time spreading. Everyone is then protected, including people who can’t be vaccinated, such as newborns and people with certain health issues. Experts estimate that 70 to 90 percent of Americans will need to be vaccinated or otherwise immune to Covid-19 for the U.S. to reach herd immunity.

• Why do many health experts say vaccinating young people is important? (Key Details)
Experts say that vaccinating young people is important because kids and teens make up about 22 percent of the U.S. population, so vaccinating them can help the country reach herd immunity. While most of the 3.4 million kids and teens who have tested positive for Covid-19 have had mild symptoms, some have developed severe complications and at least 284 have died. Young people can also spread the virus to others.

• Summarize the section “Hope for the Future.” (Summarizing)
Pharmaceutical companies expect to have results from their vaccine trials of kids ages 12 to 17 by this summer. Vaccines will likely be authorized for children in that age group by the fall. Companies are also testing the vaccines on younger kids, and doctors hope those children may be able to get vaccinated in early 2022.

3. Skill Building

Build Social and Emotional Skills

Use the Skill Builder Pandemic Changes and Hopes to have students reflect on the pandemic’s effects.

Assess Comprehension

Assign the 10-question Know the News quiz, available in PDF and interactive forms. You can also use Quiz Wizard to assess comprehension of this article and three others from the issue.

Printable Lesson Plan

Interactive Slide Deck
