Narrator D: A huge blast capsizes the Oklahoma. Austin, Mortensen, and 14 other sailors are trapped in pitch-black darkness in a room that’s rapidly filling up with water.
Austin: The water’s up to my chest, and we’re running out of air!
Mortensen: We’ll drown like rats.
Austin: There has to be a way out.
Narrator E: He dives underwater, then returns, gasping for air . . .
Austin: I found a porthole!
Mortensen: Is it big enough for us to squeeze through?
Austin: I think I’ll be able to push you out.
Narrator A: Austin leads each sailor underwater. One by one, he squeezes them through. Then . . .
Austin: OK, Morty. You’re the only one left.
Mortensen: Wait a minute, who’s going to push you out?
Austin: I’m too big to fit through that hole, and you know it.
Mortensen: I’m not going to leave you behind!
Austin: You don’t have a choice. We’re out of time! Come on!
Narrator B: They dive, then Austin uses all his strength to push Mortensen through the porthole.
Narrator C: Austin goes down with the ship, one of 429 men who die aboard the Oklahoma. Yet his bravery saves 15 lives.